Thursday, June 30, 2016

How to Gain Gems in Animal Jam Fast!

The situation- You go to buy the Monday Rare, but you don't have enough gems because you just bought a new den. Here's the solution to this. There are several ways to gain gems.

Go to Jamma Township and tell people to gift you their unwanted items. Then you can sell them.
     This will only work for members because non members can't open gifts. You can say something like that your a recycling bin lol.

You can sell your items.
     Everyone has unwanted items. For it to be plushies to clothes. You can sell them to get some extra gems.

You can type in codes!
     This is a SUPER fast way to get gems. You can search up for working animal jam codes, and you can enter them while logging in. :)

You can play games.
     I suggest only these three games. I find that they will give you the most amount of money in a short period of time. The game that I play the most when I need gems is the Jamma Derby PRO. The normal version of the game gives you a good amount of money too. I play the pro version because it just gives more money. The second game that I suggest playing is the Best Dressed Game. I also play this game a lot. I find this game also very fun. I would still prefer to play Jamma Derby just because the scores are based on personal skills not votes. Finally, the last game that I suggest is the Falling Phantoms game. This also gives a good amount of gems. This used to be my favorite game. If you collect the gems  on the side you can get more money than the other games listed before. I didn't pick this as my first game because the rounds take up more time.

Getting 1st gives you 150 gems. 
#1 recommended game. Make sure to play PRO because it gives more money :) This game is fast paced. 

Getting 1st gives you 200 gems.
#2 recommended game. This game is scored off of other people's votes.
Getting 1st in this game  gives you 120 gems.
#3 recommended game. Rounds in this game takes more time. COLLECT THE GEMS ON THE SIDE! It can gives you more gems.


Hey guys! I now have an Animal Jam Instagram. If you want an edit, requests are still open. Make sure to follow~ animaljam.infinity
Click this to go to my Instagram!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

OMG 100+ Page Views!

Thanks so much everyone! I still can't believe that I actually have a blog. At first I made this to keep everything I know about AJ in one spot. It's fascinating to see that people are looking at my posts. Much love!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

I Had an Epic Den!? ~ Storytime

Many people has been complimenting my den recently. They would say something like, "Your den should be on the "Epic Dens" list." My den was actually on the list already. Last year, my mom invited me to go to her work. It was fun. I just drank hot chocolate, helped my mom organize papers and played on my laptop. When i signed onto AJ a bunch of people were at my house. My mailbox was also flooding with Jam A Grams. I opened some of them. They would say stuff like, "I like your den." I remember this, one JAG (Jam A Grams). It said, "I don't like the color pink" (lol). I was very confused at this point. I decided to go to my den. I saw at least fifteen people there. At first I thought that someone was holding a party in my home. I opened the map and I saw the epic dens icon. I had forgot about that feature of AJ. As I scrolled down the list, I saw my username. I was shocked to see that it was there. I spread the news to my sister that also played AJ. She was so proud of me. I also gained so many friends from that. :)

In my opinion I feel like some of the "epic" dens now, turned a bit less "epic". This is my personal opinion, so please do not get angry. TO SEE MY DEN FRIEND ME @ frosty3006477. ^o^


My den is the Princess Castle. It's 6,000 gems even if it has a bit more wall space, than some of the more expensive dens. 
The knight is there to guard the food lol.

This is only half of my pet place. It's funny how I decorate their homes more than mine. 

How to Get Rare Plushies on Animal Jam

I've been collecting rare plushies for quite a while now. It's actually my favorite den feature. I organize them in shelves. Many of my den visitors ask where I get all of them. This is how i collect my plushies.

This is my plushie collection. I don't have much, but I have great methods to help gather them. 


Trade jammers, Monday Rares for them.
     I noticed that "new members" seem to be having some rare plushies. If you see a rare plushie that you don't have at their den you could ask them to put it up to trade. You can trade them a Monday Rare or a rare plushie that you have two of. This method is what I use the most.

Go to a plushie shop.
     People usually announce that they have a plushie shop at their den. Some of them are tough traders so get ready to compromise.
Win fashion shows (not Best Dressed) and pick rare plushie prizes.
     Some fashion shows give away rare plushies as their prizes.
Play the claw machine.
     This is probably the most obvious way, but it works. I mostly play the claw machine at the Theater Lobby. I find that, that location doesn't lag as much (it might only be me).
Ask close friends for some.
     If they say no, don't try to pry because this is supposed to by their gift to you (not your gift to yourself). 


When you get a plushie that you don't like don't be afraid to recycle it. When you play "The Claw" it costs five gems a turn. When you sell it, it gives you fifteen gems a plushie. You get a good amount of money back. :)

five gems a turn
sell for 15 gems a plushie

Monday, June 27, 2016


Welcome to Infinity Aj! I'm so excited to be starting this project. I started this blog so I can have a fun and great experience. My Animal Jam username is frosty3006477. I started playing in 2011. I took a break from the game last year, but now I'm playing again. YAY! I will be posting about my personal opinions about the game, AJ updates, and much more. 

You guys should friend me~ frosty3006477
Here is what I look like. If you try to recreate this look please JAG me. My outfit is:

Head= Rocker Hair (Diamond)

Neck= Spiked Collar (Diamond)

Body= Bow and Arrows (Rare)

Feet= Glove (Rare)

Tail= Elf Tail Armor (Diamond)
